重庆大学仉文岗教授多篇论文入选esi高被引及热点论文 -凯发官网首页
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近日,据科睿唯安esi(essential science indicators)最新数据显示,土木工程学院仉文岗教授以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表的10篇论文入选esi高被引论文。其中,2篇论文同时入选esi热点论文,总引用次数达到3644次。
基本科学指标数据库esi (essential science indicators),是目前国际学术界衡量科学研究绩效、跟踪科学发展趋势的基本分析评价工具。高被引论文是指同年度同esi 学科领域中发表的所有论文按被引用次数由高到低进行排序在前1% 的论文。热点论文指esi学科中最近两年发表的,在最近两个月内的被引次数进行排序前0.1% 的论文。这两项指标从文献引用角度反映了论文的影响力,此次仉文岗教授多篇论文入选esi高被引论文及esi热点论文,不仅体现了学术界对其科研成果的认可,同时是对我院科研水平的肯定。
1. zhang, w., zhang, r., wu, c., goh, a. t. c., lacasse, s., liu, z., & liu, h. (2020). state-of-the-art review of soft computing applications in underground excavations. geoscience frontiers, 11(4), 1095-1106.
2. zhang, w., wu, c., zhong, h., li, y., & wang, l. (2021). prediction of undrained shear strength using extreme gradient boosting and random forest d on bayesian optimization. geoscience frontiers, 12(1), 469-477
3. zhang, r., wu, c., goh, a. t., böhlke, t., & zhang, w. (2021). estimation of diaphragm wall deflections for deep braced excavation in anisotropic clays using ensemble learning. geoscience frontiers, 12(1), 365-373.
4. zhang, w., & goh, a. t. (2016). multivariate adaptive regression splines and neural network models for prediction of pile drivability. geoscience frontiers, 7(1), 45-52.
5. zhang, w. g., & goh, a. t. c. (2013). multivariate adaptive regression splines for analysis of geotechnical engineering systems. computers and geotechnics, 48, 82-95.
6. goh, a. t. c., zhang, r. h., wang, w., wang, l., liu, h. l., & zhang, w. g. (2020). numerical study of the effects of groundwater drawdown on ground settlement for excavation in residual soils. acta geotechnica, 15(5), 1259-1272.
7. wang, l., wu, c., gu, x., liu, h., mei, g., & zhang, w. (2020). probabilistic stability analysis of earth dam slope under transient seepage using multivariate adaptive regression splines. bulletin of engineering geology and the environment, 79(6), 2763-2775.
8. ray, r., kumar, d., samui, p., roy, l. b., goh, a. t. c., & zhang, w. (2021). application of soft computing techniques for shallow foundation reliability in geotechnical engineering. geoscience frontiers, 12(1), 375-383.
9. zhang, w. g., li, h. r., wu, c. z., li, y. q., liu, z. q., & liu, h. l. (2021). soft computing approach for prediction of surface settlement induced by earth pressure balance shield tunneling. underground space, 6(4), 353-363.
10. gu, d. , liu, h. , gao, x. , huang, d. , & zhang, w. . (2021). influence of cyclic wetting–drying on the shear strength of limestone with a soft inter . rock mechanics and rock engineering(9).