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澳大利亚同步辐射实验室首席科学家顾勤奋博士学术讲座 -凯发官网首页

时间 : 2024年01月05日 14时30分

地点 : a校区综合实验大楼一层演讲厅大会议室

主办单位 : 重庆大学

协办单位 : 重庆大学

investigation into advanced materials using synchrotron techniques

主讲人 : dr. qinfen gu

utilizing the intense beam of synchrotron radiation, researchers can conduct in-situ experiment of advanced materials tailored for energy and environmental applications. synchrotron facilities offer a diverse range of techniques through various beamlines, providing structural and chemical insights across varying time and length scales. for instance, in-situ powder x-ray diffraction (pxrd) leverages the high intensity and resolution of synchrotron radiation to swiftly investigate the mechanisms of the advanced materials. simultaneously, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (xas) utilizes the adaptable energy properties of synchrotron radiation to reveal details about interatomic distances, bonding valences, and oxidation states of materials. this presentation will explore a series of case studies involving advanced materials conducted at the synchrotrons, highlighting the effectiveness of these methodologies.



dr. qinfen gu is a principal beamline scientist at australian synchrotron, ansto, and an adjunct senior researcher fellow in department of chemical and biomolecular engineering, university of melbourne. dr. gu oversees diffraction/scattering beamline development and instrument design. in addition, he focuses his research in the areas of energy storage material (including hydrogen storage materials and batteries),  l-organic  works and zeolites, material under extreme conditions (high pressure & high temperature). he has co-authored more than 200 referred journal publications with h-index = 66 and has received several australian research council (arc) grants.


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