a smart new world: the dream and reality of cyber physical systems -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2016年06月06日 10时00分
地点 : 重庆大学主教学楼 504会议室
主办单位 : 计算机学院
a smart new world: the dream and reality of cyber physical systems
主讲人 : p rof. sang son(ieee fellow,韩国工程院院士,韩国科学院院士)
with continuing miniaturization and increased wireless connectivity, the computing systems are becoming deeply ded into everyday life and interact with processes and events of the physical world. this cyber-physical interaction has the potential to transform how humans interact with and control the physical world. systems featuring a tight combination of, and coordination between, the system’s computational and physical elements are broadly called cyber physical systems (cps). examples of cps include medical devices and systems, aerospace systems, transportation systems, smart grids, robotic systems, and smart spaces. advances in key technologies are changing how these types of systems operate. for instance, the level of uncertainty in which these systems operate is increasing, creating the need for greater robustness. pervasive wireless access is pushing these systems to unprecedented dynamic and non-deterministic situations. there is a critical demand for cps to be adaptive to provide robustness to meet the requirements. in this talk, we illustrate few examples of cps, and discuss the research challenges that should be addressed to achieve the dream of a smart and safe new world.
prof. son现任韩国dgist(大邱庆北科学技术院)研究生院院长以及dgist cps国际中心主任。prof. son曾担任美国弗吉尼亚大学计算机系教授,韩国西江大学wcu讲座教授。prof. son 分别于首尔国立大学(snu)、韩国科学技术学院(kaist)及马里兰大学帕克分校(umcp)获得学士、硕士及博士学位。prof. son曾作为访问教授工作于韩国科学技术院(kaist),香港城市大学(cityu),法国里尔中央理工大学(ecole centrale de lille),瑞典林雪平( oping)大学及瑞典舍夫德(skovde)大学。
prof. son现为ieee fellow,韩国工程院院士,韩国科学院院士。现任acm transactions on cyber physical systems 副主编。曾担任ieee transactions on computers(tc), ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems(tpds)及real-time systems journal等国际顶级期刊编辑委员会委员。prof. son 为acm/ieee cps week创始成员之一,同时担任rtcsa, cps week及seus等国际会议指导委员会委员,并曾荣获cps week 2012杰出贡献奖。prof. son主要研究领域包括信息物理融合系统,实时嵌入式系统,数据库与数据服务以及无线传感网络等。目前已在相关领域发表论文300余篇,著作4部。 根据google scholar统计,论文引用次数超过11,000次。
作者 :
责任编辑 : 申卫洁