中国工程院外籍院士外籍院士 学术报告会 -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2023年09月26日 10时00分
地点 : b校区建工馆222室
主办单位 : 重庆大学土木工程学院
协办单位 : 重庆大学土木工程学院
computational mechanics: the third pillar of scientific study
主讲人 : jn reddy院士
one of the most important things engineers and scientists do is to model physical phenomena. the development of realistic mathematical models of physical phenomena is a part of scientific investigation, which requires the translation of the mathematical models into meaningful discrete models that enable us to systematically evaluate various parameters of the mathematical model and hence the physical process. mathematical model development and numerical simulations are aids to designers, who seek to maximize the reliability of products and minimize the cost of production, distribution, and repairs. computational methods can be used to investigate the effects of various parameters (e.g., geometry, material parameters, loads, couplings, and so on) of the system on its response to gain a better understanding of the system being analyzed. the finite element method and finite volume method and their generalizations are the most powerful computer-oriented methods ever devised to analyze practical engineering systems. today, computational mechanics is an integral and major component in many fields of engineering analysis, design, and manufacturing. in this lecture recent developments in the finite element analysis of problems of engineering science are discussed. in particular, the authors’ recent research in modelling of large deformation of functionally graded and composite shell structures, analysis of the flows of viscous incompressible fluids, prediction of fracture and its propagation are presented.
brief vitae of j.n. reddy
dr. reddy is a distinguished professor, regents’ professor, and the holder of the o’donnell foundation chair iv in mechanical engineering at texas a&m university, college station, texas. dr. reddy, an isi highly-cited researcher, is known for his significant contributions to the field of applied mechanics through the authorship of a large number of textbooks (25) and journal papers (>800). his pioneering works on the development of shear deformation theories (that bear his name in the literature as the reddy third-order plate theory and the reddy wise theory) have had a major impact and have led to new research developments and applications. some of the ideas on shear deformation theories and penalty finite element models of fluid flows have been implemented into commercial finite element computer programs like abaqus, nisa, and hyperxtrude. in recent years, reddy's research has focused on the development of locking-free shell finite elements and nonlocal and non-classical continuum mechanics problems, involving couple stresses, surface stress effects, micropolar cohesive damage, and continuum plasticity of ls.
dr. reddy has received numerous honors and awards. he is a member eight national academies, including the us national academy of engineering, and foreign fellow of indian national academy of engineering, the canadian academy of engineering, the brazilian national academy of engineering, the chinese academy of engineering, the royal engineering academy of spain, the european academy of sciences, and the european academy of sciences and arts.

作者 :
责任编辑 : 陈培稚