加拿大工程院院士、加拿大皇家科学院青年院士孙书会学术报告 -凯发官网首页
时间 : 2023年07月17日 15时00分
地点 : a校区综合实验大楼319会议室
主办单位 : 工程学部
协办单位 : 材料科学与工程学院
rational design of electrodes and electrolytes for lithium and zinc batteries
主讲人 : prof. shuhui sun
the lithium l anode is known as the “holy grail” electrode for its extremely high theoretical capacity (10 times higher vs. graphite anode in li-ion battery). however, the formation of “dendrites” is one of the major challenges hindering the commercialization of lithium- l batteries. in this talk, i will present our effective electrolyte additive strategies for preventing dendrite growth during battery use. our strategy is simple and low-cost, and more importantly, compatible with the existing battery production process, and therefore holds great potential for commercialization. i will also introduce our work on developing highly efficient bifunctional oxygen catalysts for rechargeable l-air batteries, and flexible solid-state rechargeable l-air batteries.
孙书会,加拿大工程院院士、加拿大皇家科学院青年院士、加拿大国立科学研究院教授;现任国际电化学能源科学院(iaoees)副总裁、springer-nature 旗下期刊electrochemical energy reviews (if=31.3)执行主编,susmat (if=28.4)副主编,及10余种国际学术期刊的编委。长期致力于功能纳米材料的开发及其在清洁能源技术中的应用,包括燃料电池、绿色氢能、锂金属电池、金属空气电池、金属离子电池、二氧化碳转换等, 在nature sustainability, nature communications, science advances, energy & environmental science, advanced materials, jacs, angew. chem.等国际著名期刊上发表论文300余篇。主编英文专著4部,章节15章,同时获得多个美国专利。近5年先后荣获加拿大电化学会lash miller award、国际氢能学会research award、加拿大化学会催化lectureship award、美国电化学会-丰田汽车青年科学家等奖励。
作者 :
责任编辑 : 薛维益